Theo Urban
Learner / Leader / Runner
Carnegie Mellon University AI Major
Director of ScottyLabs' Labrador Committee
15-281 Teaching Assistant
I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA (Go Steelers!!), and I'm currently a Junior at Carnegie Mellon University studying Artificial Intelligence. My interests lie in the intersection of real-world problems with interesting algorithms. At CMU, I've delved into the cutting edge of Machine Learning at the same time as I pursue the fundamentals via my discovered passions of CS Theory and Math.
I've found great fulfillment in teaching as a TA for CMU's classical AI class (15-281) and developing projects that I, and others find useful. ScottyLabs, CMU's largest software engineering club, provided an incredible space for me and a team to develop CMUMaps, a project I love for the complexity of it's theory and extreme utility. To help others have a similar experience to my CMUMaps experience, I now lead ScottyLabs' Labrador committee, an incubator-style program for the future of ScottyLabs (and external) projects.
Beyond my coursework and clubs, you can find me running all around Pittsburgh and in local races. I love running for the dedication it requires, the exhilaration of success, and the peace of the outdoors.
Lazarus AI SWE Intern
CTAT Research Intern
Indoor-outdoor mapping and navigation for the CMU campus, as well as room availability, events search. I started working on this in Fall 2023 in ScottyLabs, and then recruited and lead an incredible team in Spring 2024. Released in Summer 2024 with 2000 users!!
Prediction and Analysis of my Strava running data -- The background of this website is a model of me running around Pittsburgh. It is a great way to test techniques I learn, including route generation via next-token-prediction and NLP run type classification.
Scraped and created a graph of a subset of Wikipedia, which gave me the idea to try to beat the wikipedia game (ie. node-to-node pathfinding) using embeddings of the pages, not via content but just graph context (neighbors, neighbors of neighbors...) I had some success but intend to pick this back up soon.
And More...
My other projects include a Running EsoLang, starter code for ScottyLabs' Labrador Committee, a ScottyLabs Superapp, this website, and probably something new by the time you're reading this... check out my GitHub at